Philippine FDA New Requirements for the Licensing of Drug Distributors (as per FDA Circular 2014-026)

The FDA has released Circular 2014-026 which states the new set of guidelines on the licensing of drug distributors, following AO No. 2014-0034. For initial LTO application, the new set of guidelines may seem similar to the old list however with new requirements such as " Risk Management Plan" (RMP) and "Self-Assessment Toolkit". Please refer to the information below for the summary of requirements: Requirements for LTO Applications 1. Application Form - Integrated FDA application form, signed and by the pharmacist and owner. 2. Proof of Business Registration - DTI or SEC Registration Certificate 3. Credentials of Pharmacist - PRC ID, Cert. of Attendance for AO 56 seminar, resignation letter of pharmacist from previous employee (if applicable). 4. The Risk Management Plan in this sense is for the establishment. A s described in the circular, "The RMP shall contain details on how to identify, characterize, prevent or mi...